The Art of Tien Tam: 2010


Still Alive...

Hey There! Yes, it has been a long time, but I'm still here and this blog is still going and that's what's important! Wish i could say that I've been busy at a new job or new gig but the truth is I've just been working on more stuff for my reel and trying to land a job (it's rough out there!). But...i wanted to post something! Something fun, it's not reel related or necessarily work related either but it was something i came up with recently and it was very enjoyable:Can you tell what it is?...
For those that know me, you know that i really dig design, especially HUD and menu design. So a friend of mine had an idea for a...hush hush project and i really liked his ideas so i decided to create some mock up menu screens for him. Here is the rest of them:They were really fun to create! I hate that this is the only post I've put up in months, but i promise i will try to stay on top on it and post the other stuff I've been working on!


Recap 2-Winter 2010

I've been meaning to post more often but i just haven't gotten around to it, anyways, here's another recap.

Around February I applied for an Environment Artist position and received an art test. The art test was to create a realistic skate park in 1 week. Here is a break down of what i did.

First i blocked out the area

Then i started creating a set of base props and tileable textures to fill in the skatepark as fast as i could. Next i focused on texturing my center piece of my level which is a B-52 bomber with clipped wings. I then populated the area with smaller more detailed props (such as lights, crates, and railings) to fill in the level and give it a good sense of scale.

For submission after my level was complete I lit and rendered a few beauty shots.

Overall i was quite happy with how it turned out. I was able to meet the deadline and requirements of the art test and it landed me an interview, unfortunately they decided to go with someone else, overall it was a really fun assignment. After the art test i was able to go back and add more polish to it that wasn't able to add before, because of the 1 week time constraint. This allowed me to add in even more props, more graffiti, and try a different lighting scheme (perhaps i will go more in depth about this in a later post). I will be posting a couple of render shots of that on my portfolio site, soon.

More post and yummy CG coming soon, i promise :)


Recap 1-Fall 09

After i got back from my vacation in Vietnam, a couple of my friends and I decide to participate in the Unearthly Challenge. This was our second Unearthly Challenge. I would like to show the work that we did.

Our concept was a Majestic Castle above a cliff

I modeled the main gate, interior courtyard, main castle and most of the towers
My friend modeled the cliff base, outer-walls and outer courtyards. Our other colleague created the matte painting

It was a good learning experience and a challenging project but i really enjoyed it. Although we didn't complete it, we did a lot of good work for it. Sometimes even when you don't finish projects it is important to be able to use it as a learn experience and in some case even though the project didn't get done having the ability to show work for what you did is just as important (if not more so) then completion.Its a project that has a lot of potential and one that i would like to revisit.


Keeping Honest

I started this website so that i could keep track of my progress and create a good and constant workflow. While my work flow has been improving and I'm constantly working on different projects, i have failed to update my blog. Seeing that my last blog was in August of last year, bums me out a little. So i will try and start posting more often. And i might even fill in what i've been up to for the last 8 months or so :)